You can see reports concerning your audience by checking out the Listeners Analytics.

Time Period 

listeners analytics overview

You can select from the dropdown menu the period for which you need the information.  Here are the available options:

available reports

At the custom option you can select a period of up to six months.

custom report

Information on Listening Sessions

At the overview of the Listeners Analytics you can see the average sessions/hour, the total sessions completed, the average listening minutes, the total listening hours and the total GBs used during this period of time. 

Below you can also see graphs explaining the variation of sessions, GBs and listeners from time to time or day to day.

total sessions graph

Device Statistics

An interesting table to take into consideration is the analytics of devices used to listen to your radio station. In this way you can take decision on creating an application or simply know better your audience.

Regional Statistics

Get to know your top countries and how many unique IPs tune in to your radio station per country. This is an important metric in case that you want to add a promotional marketing campaign or target your audience through social media platforms.

Hourly Statistics

At the end of the page you can also see the hour by hour reporting. Understand your daily picks and arrange your breaks and shows in the optimal way as to reach the most listeners.